Wednesday 28 March 2012

Woman, God's Masterpiece

God formed Adam’s body from the ground and breathed the breath of life into him. In that instant, Adam was fully aware, fully mature and totally equipped for his destiny — with one exception. God’s plan was not yet complete. For the first time in Earth’s short history, the Creator said that something was not good. Until that time, God had announced that everything He had made and done was “good.” But, “The Lord said, it is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him”

He blessed Adam with someone who was more refined than Adam himself. He created Adam’s “match” using that which was taken from Adam’s body and spirit (we are not told that God breathed into Eve’s nostrils—-her life force was the life force God had already placed in Adam). Until that match was made, Adam was incomplete by God’s design. Although Adam was powerful, and perfectly equipped to lead and rule, he was alone—and that wasn’t good in God’s eyes. The completion that comes through godly marriage transcends mere physical union. It symbolizes and prefigures an even greater union between the heavenly Bridegroom and His earthly Bride at the great wedding feast of the Lamb.

God knew what He was doing when He created Eve. He blessed Adam with a beautiful counterpart to surround him with assistance, help, protection and aid. Eve would complete his identity in the earth. She was the one gifted in one-on-one communication who would be quick to take his part in any discussion or announce his gifts to anyone she met.

But now fairy tale is over, these days Gods Eve is facing lots of problem in her life, she has lots of darkness in her inner sense. Still she is doing all her chores like giving care to her children and family, supporting her husband, and all other chores which she has to done.

Here on "Hidden truth of My life" we are trying to share darkness of her life. Darkness of her like Rape, Eve-teasing,  dowry cases, breakup with husband etc.. If you like to share your story on our blog just drop a mail through "Write to me " page.

1 comment:

Butterflies said...

Yes, woman is a masterpiece of God, if she would not have created, the life could not have sustained, coz woman herself is a carrier of life.

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